Saturday, March 15, 2014

The books I am reading

Today on Kelly's Korner, she is doing a link up about the books you have been reading lately.  I love Kelly's Show Us Your Life Fridays because they are usually great topics for discussion or I get a ton of new ideas on decorating or recipes.

For my birthday in November, my husband bought me a kindle.  Now I have always been a "book girl" and did not immediately warm up the the kindle.  But... then I had foot surgery in December and I used my kindle non-stop and now I am addicted.

I always download James Patterson books to my kindle.  I love the Alex Cross Series and I have started and finished the Private Series as well.  I have not really read his other series, but if you love good cop books, those are two great series to read.

Last week, I did go to Barnes and Noble and purchase a book I have been waiting for for months.  I wanted to actual book in hardback because as I said earlier, I am a "book girl".  I have been reading Uganda Be Kidding Me by Chelsea Handler.  I have all of Chelsea Handler's other books and I DVR her late night show.  It is my guilty pleasure for sure.  I think she is so funny and I love her honesty.  Do I agree with everything she says?  Heck no!  But I can appreciate the fact that she has an opinion and she is honest about it.

If you want a good laugh, and like to travel; then you should really pick up her latest book.  I am almost done with it and I have laughed through the entire book!

Elizabeth, my two-year-old, is into two specific books right now.

She loves to ready Are you my mother?  which her Great Aunt Barb gave her for her birthday.

She will ask me to read it and then turn around, walk across the room to her Dad, and ask him to read it.  She thinks it is the funniest book and just laughs and laughs as we tell the story.

Her other favorite book is On the Farm.

She reads this at bed time.  She has about 50 books on her bookcase in her room and every night she picks this book.  It doesn't matter where I "hide" it on the shelf, this is the book she wants to read (and she finds it every night)!

Well, that's what we are reading/ have been reading.  I hope you try one of them soon!


  1. I'm not actually a huge Chelsea Handler fan, but I have heard such great things about her book. And can't deny that cover is a lot of fun!

    And just letting you know, I'm stopping by from Kelly's Korner!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Soshanah! I hope you have a great weekend!
