Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A few things for a Tuesday

1. I am all about some bagels with cream cheese right now.  I sometimes indulge in a bagel with cream cheese, but right now I think a toasted bagel with cream cheese on a cold morning is absolutely wonderful  the best thing to eat for breakfast.

2. I miss running outside.  It has been way too cold for way too long to even consider running outside.  Hopefully some day soon, the weather will warm up and I can run outside again.  Come on Spring!

3.Elizabeth will be two in a few weeks.  Where in the world has time gone???? 
I cannot believe she will be TWO!!!

4. We (or I for some) have some new guilty pleasures on TV and Netflix:
House of Cards
White Collar

We started watching Sherlock on Netflix a few weeks ago and then the new season started three weeks ago on TV.  I cannot get over the fact that the seasons run two years apart!  What is wrong with programming over in England???

House of Cards is a new watch on Netflix.  I am torn between liking this show, hating this show, and not being able to turn it off.  You really want to dislike Underwood, but I find myself hoping his plan comes into play.

5. This cold weather needs to go.  Far, far away.  Unfortunately, I think we have more of it coming our way.  Please go away cold weather and DO NOT come back another day.

6. I prefer to listen to the radio on my way to work rather than my I-pod or silence.  However, I only like to listen to the radio on my way to work.  No other time.

7. I am debating cutting Elizabeth's hair.  It has never been cut.  When are kids suppose to get this first hair cut?

8. Ben and I are celebrating 6 years together this Sunday.  I am so thankful that God placed him in my life when he did.  I would not be the person I am today if it were not for my kind, wonderful, thoughtful, sexy husband.

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