Monday, February 27, 2012

Musings of a new mom

So I have officially been a mom for 8 days and about 8.5 hours.  However, I feel like I've been a mom since I found out I was pregnant.  Because that is when the worrying began.  I wanted to make sure I was eating and drinking the right things, taking the right vitamins, and not doing anything that could hurt my little baby.  Now as an "official mom" I have been making sure I am eating and drinking the right things, taking the right vitamins, and not doing anything that could hurt my little baby.  :)

I have discovered the sound of a baby crying does not remind me of nails on a chalk board, it's more like being behind the slowest driver in the world and you are in hurry up mode.

Newborn clothes (and diapers) don't necessarily mean ALL newborns. 

My daughter has blue eyes, I completed my punnet square and it was 25% possible (yay for the near impossible!)  However, I know eye color can change but I hope hers does not.

Elizabeth sleeps 5-6 hours at night, wakes up to eat, and then sleeps another 4-5 hours.  I can handle that.

My daughter makes these noises that make her sound like a baby dinosaur.  I'm assuming that is what baby dinosaurs sound like since I've never heard a real one.

Everyone has asked if Elizabeth Grace is named after someone.  Nope, it is just the name we liked and couldn't find one we liked more.  We have since learned that we have many relatives with the names Elizabeth and Grace. 

I have no doubt whatsoever that my daughter... is fabulous!

Have a great week!

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