Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Resolutions!

Hi everyone!

It's been FOREVER since I blogged and one of my resolutions is to get back into it.  I really enjoy writing and documenting our lives in this digital scrapbook and I have missed not doing it.  With that being said (or written), last night we were talking about resolutions.  I pulled up my 2018 resolutions from this blog post so that I could see if I accomplished them.

My goals for 2018 were:

1. Continue to maintain a healthy weight and work-out consistently.
(I think this is important every year, so I have it on my list every year)

2. We are joining a new church and I would like to become more involved in church life at our new church.  I volunteered at our old church and really enjoyed it, so I am hoping to find my niche at our new church.

3. Enjoy more activities where we live.  There is so much to do here and I often feel as if we don't take advantage of all that there is to do.  So I want to spend more time enjoying what's around us.

4. Travel to new places!
We have some great trips planned for 2018 and I am looking forward to a few new places.

5. Enjoy this time in life.  The girls are growing so fast, I want to make sure I enjoy this time.

6. Financial/Home goals:
GET OUR CEILINGS PAINTED (this has been on my list for 4 years, yikes!)
Increase our emergency savings
Go an entire year without buying a new appliance
Increase the girls college savings funds

 The ones that I have crossed off are the resolutions I accomplished!
Looking back, I accomplished 5 out of 6 of my resolutions.

1. I managed to stay within about five pounds all year of my "goal weight".  

2. While I am enjoying our new church, I have yet to volunteer there, so I need to get on that.
Ben has started volunteering at our church, so does that count?

3. I have been trying to do more around town and around the city where we live.
We have picked up a couple of memberships and season passes to things like the zoo and six flags.
I have also made an effort to go the museums, festivals, and other things around town.

4. Travel to new places was a big YES!
We took the girls out of the country for the first time, traveled throughout the year, and we were blessed enough to see many family and friends throughout the year.

5. Enjoying this time in life.  I am still working on this, but made a BIG EFFORT to make this a priority.  This is something I need to continue to work on.

6. Financial /Home goals were all great!
While we didn't buy any new appliances, we did have to replace our roof and half our siding.
We increased our emergency savings and we actively add to the girls college fund every month.
We also had our ceilings painted along with a lot of other internal home repairs.

So, now my for my 2019 resolutions and goals!

1. Get back to blogging/ Blog more.
I have always been a scrapbook person. Well, I gave up the physical book for the digital one and I need to get back into documenting our adventures, life, and everything else.

2. Run more races.  While I originally thought I would try to run a race every month, I don't think that is an achievable goal for me due to availability of races near me AND my availability during race dates.  So my goal is to run more races and try to do some long ones as well to challenge myself.

3. Enjoy life more.
I am the first to admit that I am a type A, gotta get it done, make-a-list person.
While I recognize this is a personality trait, I also recognize that it would be good for my stress levels to try to re-prioritize my lists and spend more time having fun with my kids and less time mopping, dusting, and vacuuming. 

4. Travel.  To new places AND some of our favorite (old) places.
We already have a few trips planned and I am so excited!!

5. Financial/Home goals:
- Continue to increase our emergency fund
- Continue to put money into the girls college fund
- Possibly move to a new house*
- Possibly start working again* 
*These items have many moving factors, but are things I am open to in 2019 :)

Those are my five goals/resolutions.
Thanks for stopping by!

Happy New Year y'all!

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