Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Washington Wizards Game

At the beginning of January, we took the girls to their first Washington Wizards game.  
Ben scored tickets from his office and it was over winter break, so we thought it would be a fun family outing.

Our tickets were on the second row of the floor seating.  
Caroline and Elizabeth LOVED being so close to all the action and we had a great time teaching them about basketball.

 Caroline wanted a picture during a time-out

 Free throws!

 Complimentary food and drinks came with the seats.
I think Caroline ate three containers of popcorn. :)

 I think Elizabeth had three bags of potato chips. :)

 So close to the action.

 Elizabeth wanted to "get on THE floor"

 Naturally, Caroline wanted to as well.


 They were dancing when I took this picture.
The cameraman came over and put them up on the jumbotron.

 After the game we ran into G Wiz and some cheerleaders.
They gave the girls basketballs and t-shirts.

 The next morning...with a backstory.
 During the third quarter, our old neighbor came over to say hi.
He works for the Wizards and brought the girls NBA head bands and wrist bands.
They wore them all day the next day and most of winter break.


Love these sweet pictures of childhood.

Happy Wednesday y'all!

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