Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Dear Caroline,

You are three-years-old today!
(this morning after breakfast)

You are so full of personality and you are always making us laugh.  You have a great imagination and you love to play pretend with dolls, toys, and dress-up.  Your favorite things to do are play with Mickey Mouse toys, play dress-up, play outside, swing on swings, build things with blocks, do art projects, and anything that your sister is doing.  You love to swim and you are happy to float around the pool with a water gun in your hand all afternoon.

You love to eat Mexican food (your birthday dinner was a burrito bowl from Moe's) and almost any kind of crunchy snack.  You will have a bite or two of sweets but you don't care too much for them.  You love popsicles you are always trying to talk us into giving you one.  You love to drink milk but have developed a taste for "ice water like sissy". 

You still take a two-hour-nap most days but you can also go without a nap if need be.  You are happy to go try new things and travel to new places as long as you are entertained along the way (for example- watching movies while on road trips).

You have started to remember events and people this past year and constantly ask about your friends that live far away (Kylie, Nico, Emmie, Ellie, Ruthie, JP, Annalise, and Baby Sam).  You talk about things you did with them and ask when you are going to see them again.  You love your Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and ask about them constantly- where are they? what are they doing?  when are they coming back to visit?

You and Elizabeth started sharing a room last October and you love staying in the same room together!  We created a playroom for you and your sister at the same time and the two of you love to play down there with all of your toys.  Now that Elizabeth is in kindergarten you are happy to play down there by yourself.

You wear a size 4T shirt, pants, and dresses and a size 9 shoe.  You are around 36-37 inches tall and I have no idea how much you weigh- I'm guessing between 36-40 pounds (we will find out next week).

Your favorite TV shows are: Super Why, Little Einsteins, Puppy Dog Pals, and Mickey and the Roadster Racers.  You love the Trolls Movie, The Incredibles, and Frozen.  You love to read books and I am constantly finding the bookcase completely empty and you sitting in a pile of books. 

You have taken a few trips this past year:

In November we went to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia for Mommy's birthday.

In December we went to Deep Creek, Maryland for a snow-trip New Years holiday with Jared, Kelly, Scot, Kylie, and our family.

In January we went to Pennsylvania to visit Nana and Pap Pap during the Inauguration.

In April we took a Spring Break trip through the South.  You, Elizabeth, and I went to South Carolina for four days to visit Stacy's family and then we drove to Georgia.  Daddy flew down to Georgia to meet up with us and we spent four days celebrating the end of spring break, Easter, and Annalise's birthday.

Also in April we drove up to Pennsylvania to visit Nana, Pap Pap, and celebrate Baby Sam's birthday.

In June we drove to Pennsylvania to visit with friends and family.  Dad went to a family bachelor party so we hung out with Kylie and Kelly during the day and then spent the evening with Nana.

In July we drove back to Pennsylvania and spent four days with Jared, Kelly, and Kylie celebrating the 4th of July and having a little friend-vacation around Pennsylvania.  We went to Idlewild and had two pool parties!

In August we went to Massanutten Resort for our family vacation.  We spent four days exploring, swimming, and having adventures as a family!

Here are some pictures from this past year:

Nalls produce stand in October

Fire station open house in October

Saying bye to baby cousin.
He moved to Barbados.  :(

Your new bed!

Thanksgiving week- Annalise, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Andy, Ga-Ga, and Gramps came for Thanksgiving!

Zoo lights in December- Nana and Pap Pap came with us

Visiting the National Tree with friends

Photo with Santa

Christmas Eve

Christmas morning

Our vacation to Deep Creek Lake

Visiting Nana and Pap Pap in January

Bowling in Pennsylvania

Playing on the playground with Mommy

Cheering for the Atlanta Falcons in the Super Bowl!

We went to the zoo in February- it was 80 degrees!

Valentine's Day

Elizabeth's birthday

You two love to dress-up together!

We went to the zoo again in February because it was so hot!

Fiamma, Shelley, and Adam came to visit!

We celebrated Mardi Gras!

We ate at Moe's

You tried to sleep on my bed ;)

In March, we went to the Botanical Gardens

Also in March, it snowed!

You got sick and needed some medicine.
You got better really fast 

In April we painted Easter eggs

In April we took our spring break road trip!

Stacy read books at bed time

We picked strawberries

We went to the zoo

You rode your first pony!!!

I took you girls to my alma mater

And we had a blast with friends

We went to Georgia and you played with Annalise

And ate cheese dip

We went to a farm for an egg hunt

Dyed Easter eggs

And celebrated Easter with Ga-Ga, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Andy, and Annalise!

Elizabeth had a spring recital for her school

You girls made your own pizza

We went to a farm!

And celebrated a windy mother's day

We visited the National Museum of American History

And that National Museum of Air and Space

We celebrated Memorial Day!

Went to the zoo 

Played on playgrounds

Spent the day with Kelly and Kylie
(Chick-Fil-A and pool fun!)

We had a girls beach day

In June, Ga-Ga came to visit for a long weekend

We celebrated Father's Day when Dad and Mommy got back from PA

You love to take walks around the neighborhood

We had a great 4th of July holiday in Pennsylvania!

Fun at Idlewild!

More bowling in July

And nature walks!

We celebrated Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A in July

You and Elizabeth had a twin day :)

We ate donuts

And had our first family book club day with Pinkalicious Day!

Lots of swimming!!

And selfies :)

We went to the Lincoln Memorial

And The Yards Park in DC

First putt-putt

Celebrated Dad's birthday

And went on vacation!

First Potomac Nationals game

Had lunch with Dad at his office

Sent Elizabeth off to her first day of Kindergarten

We to visit Penny the Pig

Played games

Had snuggles

Colored a lot

Picked apples

And ran in your first race!

We love you so much!!!  We are so proud of you and we are excited to see what this next year holds for you.  We love to see your bond with your sister and your excitement for learning and exploring.

We love you!


Mommy and Dad

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