Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Spring Break through the South: Part Two

Wednesday morning had us up early and ready to take on EdVenture!  EdVenture is the children's museum in Columbia and I was super excited to take the girls to it.  We have a TON of museums in DC (and they are FREE!) but we don't have a children's museum.  The girls had no idea we were going to a museum designed specifically for them and I loved every minute of our visit!

Exploring and testing boundaries

The girls LOVED this tractor

Caroline loved "driving" by herself

The grocery store was their favorite part!
It was a mini-Publix

Emmie loved checking people out

Caroline loves shopping

Milk and laundry detergent.
The essentials :)

Elizabeth LOVED checking people out!
It was her favorite part of the entire day.

And Caroline loved filling her cart :)

Upstairs Caroline moved around these huge foam pieces while Caroline built a "flying object"

After the bounce house, the girls climbed the wall 

They loved it!

And more grocery store (with the Publix vest this time)

Ruthie loved being Elizabeth's customer

Then Elizabeth went shopping.
Meat and pies were all she wanted :)

Last stop was making pizza.
The girls made me a mushroom pizza.

After a great morning at the museum, I wanted to show the girls campus and Stacy took her kids home for nap/rest time.  The girls and I went to the stadium, The Blatt, Addam's Book Store, the Horseshoe (I showed them where Ben proposed), and then over to the Russell House.

Outside the stadium.
Go Gamecocks!!

I found this sign at Addam's Bookstore

This sign was not there when I was in undergrad or graduate school

By the horseshoe!

Smiling at strangers (I think)

The girls loved running all over the horseshoe and I loved showing them where Ben proposed

We walked over to the Russell House.
Elizabeth was so excited to see the giant Gamecock out front

We grabbed ice cream inside the Russell House before heading back to Stacy's house

Wednesday night, Lindsay and her family came over for a taco night and playing in the backyard.  We had 8 kids running around and it was a blast all night!

End of the night photo
This is the "serious" photo

This is the "pre-jump" photo

This is the "jumping" photo

And the "silly" photo

Stacy and I outside with all the kiddos

Caroline definitely needed a bath after Wednesday

Love this girlie :)

That's a wrap on our trip through the south part two!

Happy Wednesday y'all!

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