Friday, July 31, 2015

Hungry bears, beer, and Mark Harmon {Day 7}

Sunday morning we were up bright and early to have breakfast with my mom and grandmother at a place down the street from our lodge.  We met up in the parking lot and then drove to The Hungry Bear, a place I found online that looked very local and very adorable (it was!).

 My mom, me, and my grandmother

After breakfast, Ben and I headed to Golden, Colorado to do the Coors tour.  The Miller Coors tour was awesome (I highly recommend it) and I learned a lot about beer.  I'm not a beer drinker, but this tour was awesome (it's the largest brewery in the world) and we got to sample three beers at the end of the tour.
 Golden, Colorado- Home of the Miller Coors Company

 Waiting for the tour to start

 Outside the Coors brewery

 The cans and bottles the beer used to come in

 All the products the Miller Coors Company makes
(I couldn't fit them all in the picture)

 We were waiting for the elevator :)

 To take us upstairs to see this...The brewery making beer

Lots of beer

 This is a display in the quality control room.
All the beers they have made or do make.

 Time to taste some beer!

 We were waiting in line to get our beers and the wall has a bunch of old ads on it.
I took this picture of Mark Harmon because who doesn't love Gibbs?

 Our first beers

 I got Blue Moon :)

Ben tried Batch 19, the original beer

After the tour we grabbed a great lunch at Woody's Woodfired Pizza in downtown Golden.  The pizza was soooo good and we took our leftovers with us.  After lunch we headed to our hotel in downtown Denver to drop our stuff off and rest for a few minutes.

Sunday night we drove to Pine, Colorado to have dinner with my family at my aunt and uncle's house.  It was so nice to hang out with everyone again and just relax after the wedding.  I loved spending time with my family that I don't see very often and we could enjoy dinner, see the house, and have a relaxing evening together.

Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jen and Dave getting married! {Day 6}

Saturday, we drove to Colorado Springs and from there we drove to a beautiful Inn to see Jen and Dave get married.  First we checked-in at the lodge where we were staying and I relaxed while Ben went to get us lunch.  He scored us some Subway sandwiches and we ate those in the room.  My mom came by to chat for a bit and then it was time to get ready for the wedding!

We rode with my mom up to the Inn where Jen and Dave got married and I think we ended up at around 8,500 feet above sea level.  It was so beautiful!

At the entrance to the Inn

 My mom, my Uncle Jay (Jen's dad), and my Grandmother before the wedding

 Three generations: My mom, me, and my grandmother

 Before the wedding started

 Noah and baby cousin!

This is our view from our seats at the wedding

 Selfie before the wedding

 Selfie before the wedding with an Uncle George photobomb

 Dave and the Groomsmen

The Bridesmaids

 These pics aren't so great with the lighting (sorry Jen)
Jen and Dave about to exchange vows

 Look at that gorgeous veil!

 Blessing the rings

 Blessing their wedding rings

After the wedding, all the family and wedding party took pictures on the side of the Inn.  It was so beautiful up there and I know all of their wedding photos are going to be gorgeous!

 Jen and her mom (my Aunt Leslie)

 Jen and her dad

 The whole family

Jessica, Jen, and Jayme
My beautiful cousins!

 Grandmother, Jen, Dave, and Grandpa Fred

While the bride and groom took more photos, the rest of us enjoyed a cocktail hour upstairs.  After the cocktail hour, we made our way back downstairs and the room where the ceremony had been had been turned into a beautiful dining room!

 Our beautiful table for the reception

 Jen and Dave's table

 Me and my mom

My mom and grandmother made the flower arrangements

 Jessica and Noah left baby cousin with us for a few minutes...

 He is just too cute, so we had to get some pictures!

 I think he likes Ben the best

 The cake!
(Ben was a big fan)

 Jen and Dave after dinner

Me and Jen

 First dance

 Father-daughter dance

 Mother-son dance

 Dave's parents and Jen's parents... 
the last two couples on the dance floor


 The cake and my diet coke in our party favor!

 Ben snapped this gorgeous view

 Mom and Grandmother chatting it up

 Ben and I and the gorgeous view

Sister and Brother at the end of the wedding

And that's the wedding!  
We had so much fun- the food and drinks were great, we danced all night, and it was wonderful to spend time with family on the other side of the country.

Congratulations Jen and Dave!