Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fitness "tips"

So... this is my third attempt at writing this post.  I think health and fitness is a very important topic and I'm not sure why I have been struggling with writing this post. 

For those that don't know me, I have a Bachelor's degree in Athletic Training and a Master's degree in Physical Education. 

I have spent my life since age 3 involved in some form of athletics whether it was participation as a child (ballet, soccer, t-ball) or in high school  (lacrosse and kick-boxing) or as an athletic trainer since 8th grade working with my high school football and basketball teams.  In college I played intramural lacrosse and flag football and as a working adult I have played on softball, soccer, and kickball leagues. 

I worked as an athletic trainer for years in high school, college, and post-college and when I decided to change careers, I became a health/PE teacher. 

I guess what I am trying to say is.  I know what I need to do to be healthy.  I have been highly educated.  It's a matter of actually doing it.

I wanted to link up again with Kelly's Korner because I think this is another great topic to read about what others are doing to either get motivated/ get creative/ or stay active.

Last September I really started myself on an intense weight loss challenge (I weighed 156 and my goal was 140).  I started using My Fitness Pal App:

I leaned about from my husband who had used it to help him lose 15 pounds.  I have to say, after all the education, all the years of activity, and all the experience.  This app helped me more than any of those things.  I programmed in all the food I ate every day.  It was super annoying the first week and then it became habit about 9 days in.
I also started using Endomondo to help track my running.  It is another great app that I use almost everyday.  (I think it's like the Nike Plus App, but I have never used that one)  This app tracks not only how long I have been running, but the distance, my average speed, how many calories I burned, and can track my route.  You can also used Endomondo for other sports.
*I have an android, but I think these are available on windows and I-phones*
Since Thanksgiving I had reached my goal and I have lost another 7-8 pounds on top of that.  I weigh around 132-133 and have gone from a size 12 to a size 6.
I still use My Fitness Pal everyday and I still use Endomondo anytime I run outside.  These things worked for me and they may work for you.  If not, try something else.  But remember, you have to want to be fit for you.  That is the only way you will lose weight and keep it off.

1 comment:

  1. I just came upon your blog from Kelly's Korner, and I am having trouble putting into words how the little things are falling into place. I have been down in DC looking for a place to live, areas of the city that I would want to live in, and teaching jobs- all the while trying to keep active and lose 15 pounds. I am stunned sometimes by the way things happen. I do wish I had clicked on your link up when I was down there, as I just got home on Thursday, but I did click on it now and am so excited. I was looking at the very same cherry blossoms you were on the very same day, in that stunningly beautiful weather.
    I know that this is random, and kind of out there, but because I am feeling like He is leading me to DC, and to people in the area that have connections, and goals I feel like I was lead to your blog. I hope that maybe with your experience in education in DC, your running and fit goals, that maybe we could be in touch sometime.
    Please don't take this as a "creepy" message, I am simply trying to follow my dreams, and taking the hints, and connections as they come.
    And in connection with your fit tips, My Fitness Pal has become one of my favorite apps for my phone. (that and the DC metro map so I didn't get lost when I was there taking the trains) :-)

